What are secondary activities? Explain with examples SST 10th

secondary activities examples

In the United States, about 61.9% of the labor force is tertiary workers. The quaternary sector is defined by advanced services beyond the traditional services in the secondary sector. The quaternary sector develops in lockstep with the growth of the digital world we live in today. Explain secondary activities examples the primary, secondary and tertiary sectors by giving examples of each. Light industry is mostly labor intensive and does not require large quantities of raw materials or large areas for production. It is also more geared towards producing for the end consumer than for other companies.

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Explain with examples the difference between the primary and secondary pollutants. Industries owned jointly by the private firms and the state or its agencies such as Gujarat Alkalies Ltd., or Oil India Ltd. fall in the group of joint sector industries. Based on these assumptions, together with the notion of high profits with least costs and imagination, Weber describes his theory of industrial location. This is a chief factor governing the location of an industry in modern period.

Factors affecting location

The essential capacity of optional exercises or assembling is to change unrefined components into results of more worth to individuals. It creates greater work in the economy and helps in working on the way of life and per capita pay of individuals quickly. Auxiliary area economies flourish in industrialized countries since they give a request to work on the force of monetarily strong open doors. It builds local area adaptability as well as advances continuous and planned achievement.

secondary activities examples

He takes the lumber from the secondary market that came from the trees of the primary market to create my long desired guest room. The use of digital technology is common in the quaternary sector.

Lecture 14 – Secondary Economic Activities Secondary…

Changing a mash of wood into paper and paper into a scratchpad addresses the two phases of the assembling process. Light industries are situated in urban areas and heavy industries outside urban areas. Explains basic economic concepts and interesting economic profiles in plain English. Textiles mils, textile product mills, apparel manufacturing, leather, and allied product manufacturing.

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Selling off old assets, handling litigation in court, and administering financing agreements can all be examples of secondary https://business-accounting.net/ activities. They do not directly pertain to the primary purpose of the business and may be peripheral to its goals.

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A secondary activities is an activity performed by a unit in addition to its principal activity. All these are secondary activities because the final product is to be produced not by nature but has to be made by men and therefore, some process of manufacturing is essential. Though the primary product, i.e., cotton is produced by nature, but it cannot be used directly by us in . So to convert it into usable form some process of manufacturing is essential. This can be done in a factory or at home with simple tools.

In such a context, Weber believes that it is profitable to set up the industry at a location in between the industry. These include mainly heavy and capital intensive industries. These use energy, heavy machineries, employ large number of workers and produce goods for a bigger market. Emphasis is laid on quality control and production specialisation.


These manufactured goods are more useful and valuable than the raw materials. The location of manufacturing industries depends on a number of physical and socio-economic factors. These factors are called the basis of industries. No single factor decides the location of industries. Thus we have iron and steel industry , coal mining industry and tourism industry . As the industry is located at a point between the raw materials locations, transport cost to transfer bulky raw materials is reduced considerably. The transport cost for transferring the finished products from the industry to the market is also small.

secondary activities examples

It is economical to start an industry near the area where transport costs are minimum and low. Raw-materials which are heavy and occupy large place, require huge cost for transporting them. So an industry must be located near the area where the transport costs are minimal. The secondary economic activities they cover the industrial processing of foods, the manufacture of automobiles, jewels, footwear, dresses, among others. Industries based on chemicals are called chemical industries e.g. petro-chemical, plastics, synthetics, fibres and pharmaceuticals. Some of these industries use raw materials found naturally e.g. minerals such as mineral- oil, salts, sulphur and potash, and vegetable products such as pulp.

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